Pokeno Sports Field: $ 4.5 million
McKenzie & Parma’s was the main contractor collaborating with the Waikato District
Council and liaising with stakeholders in building a new sports ground over 3 stages for the Pokeno community.
This project required the upgrade of the existing stormwater open flow channel and levelling off the ground for future sports grounds. This involved having to divert the existing stream around the worksite to enable us to start earthworks comprising of approximately 50,000m3 cut to fill.
The scope of works included:
Stage 1
Diverting existing stream around work area
50,000m3 cut to fill earthworks, including engineered fill
Undercuts with subsoil drains installed with scoria and geo-fabric
Formation of 500m of new open channel, with diversion of the stream through the new open channel.
Installation of fish habitats
Formation of 200 metres of anti-scour riprap rock
Strict environmental/ecological controls and monitoring
Stage 2
Decommissioned the existing 50m stream.
Downstream tie in
Upstream tie in
Over 110 shortfin eels and elvers were captured and relocated during these works.
Stage 3
Implement sediment ponds for earthworks.
We needed to find and Import 34,000m3 of fill to lift levels.
Building new carpark and swale drains